"I like oils the best although they take a long time to dry I like the texture I can get with my brush and palette knife" Geena M.
Aaron E.
Students are always looking for new ways to create their art and often they need to branch out and experiment with other materials. In the past we have created stained glass mosaics, clay and plaster of Paris masks, sandpaper art prints, silk hoop paintings, batik paintings,
figurative wire sculptures and the list goes on.....
"I tried printmaking in high school before and I wanted to try it again. (At Philippa's Young At Art) we got to try silk screen printing, mono prints, and lino" Marianne G.
Students will use a wide verity of paints including watercolour, acrylic and oils. Students are taught how to identify which brush and support (what you paint on) is best suited for the paint type.
Students have fun exploring each type of paint, experimenting with different techniques and learning about colour. Students are introduced to the elements and principles of art and design by playing with texture, pattern and contrast.
"The best part was stepping in the clay and making my footprint, then we poured plaster on top of the clay. The next class we separated the clay from the plaster and we got a really cool piece of art work"
Paige D.
Students learn the basics of drawings using a full set of sketching pencils, a blending stomp and an eraser to create negative space. We spend time on one and two point perspective, proportion and measuring in ratios while exploring different subjects matter.
"I like drawing with pencils best because the dark 6B can be powerful" Keenan R.
"You can create a Lot of texture using a wide range of pencils, it's really fun" Sarah J.
"Drawing was hard at first until I learned how to shade, I never really liked it before" Simon Z.
"I like acrylics more than oils but watercolour is the best. You can sprinkle salt on wet paint to get tiny snow flakes" Colten R.